Thursday, December 15, 2011

Message of this week

Dear Philothea!
This week on Friday we begin the Novena of Nativity. This is a period of intense preparation and expectation in joy for the birth of our Saviour. But what do we prefer: to remain close to the Child Jesus in the Stable or to be with the angelic choirs? This is what Saint Francis de Sales, our father says:
“At the birth of the Saviour the Shepherds heard the songs of the heavenly spirits, but Sacred Scripture does not say that they were heard by the Madonna and Saint Joseph, who were close to the little Babe. Instead, they saw the Divine Child trembling with the cold. His eyes bathed in tears! And what do you prefer – to stay in the dark stable which echoes with the cries of the Babe, or to be outside listening with the shepherds to the angelic choir? Certainly we should choose the former because it is better, even in the darkness, to stay close to Jesus.”
“We always want this thing or that thing, and even when we have Jesus Himself in our breast we are not satisfied. Yet He is all that we could possibly desire...” (Letters 359)
Let us be more concerned with having Jesus in our hearts at Christmas, than the many external festivities connected with this feast.
Fr. George
For the Philothea Missionaries

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the novena, it will help us to prepare for the birth of Christ
